Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Putting Your Modeling Studio To Sleep

The N30 Deluxe Modeling Studio is a very popular and useful tool for taking snapshots in Second Life. Unfortunately, it is a very script-heavy device that almost always ends up in a sim's list of "Top Scripts." Heavily-scripted objects contribute to lag, which affects everyone on the island. Luckily, the N30 Deluxe Modeling Studio has an auto-off feature that shuts the studio down while you're not using it. Please follow these steps to ensure your studio isn't wasting valuable resources while you're away. The process is a little weird, but follow these steps to do it right (steps after the picture):

  1. Touch (left-click) the studio's control panel to bring up the menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Auto-off.
  4. Click Shutdown.
    IMPORTANT: You're not done yet! You need to follow the next steps too!
  5. Touch the control panel again.
  6. Click Settings.
  7. Click Auto-off.
  8. Click Auto-off again. You should now see a message in chat that "Autoshutdown has been activated."
With this option enabled, the modeling table will disable any lighting and special effects, and temporarily turn off the modeling table if no one is in the vicinity for 5 minutes.

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